Investment Universe Construction API
Slice and dice based on geography, sectors, themes, ESG scores, fundamentals, factors, and more.
Analytics API
Unparalleled point-in-time insights of your index. From Performance Attribution, Countries & Sectors, all the way to aggregated ESG ratings, Controversies, and Environmental Performance.
Factsheets API
Create beautiful and insightful factsheets on-the-fly based on your baskets and indexes. Use your own branding, and customize your texts and messages.
Backtesting API
Build your methodology. Parametrize rebalancing dates, weighting and ranking mechanisms, caps & floors, deletion rules, and much more. Then backtest in seconds.
Thematics API
Get a granular lens on the Thematic Exposures of your portfolio. Leverage BITA’s Thematic and Impact Research to uncover your exposures to megatrends, themes, subthemes, and activities.
Reference Data API
Get up-to-date, clean, reference data in a convenient way. Our API covers more than 30k instruments, including historical and point-in-time financial identifiers.