Since its foundation, BITA has been actively committed to the provision of high-quality, reliable, and transparent technology and index solutions. As such, our company has implemented a series of processes and policies to ensure complete compliance with the principles of financial benchmarking as well as the EU Benchmark Regulation. The EU Benchmark Regulation is in application since 1 January 2018 and affects both EU and non-EU entities that administer indices that are used in the EU as a benchmark in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds.

Below we have made available all relevant regulatory and compliance policies, as well as all guides documentation related to the indexes currently offered by BITA. The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has registered BITA as a benchmark administrator under Art 34 of the EU Benchmark Regulation (BMR). BITA and the indices administered by BITA have been included in the ESMA benchmark register of administrators in accordance with Art 36 of the EU Benchmark Regulation.

Should you have any specific questions, please contact us at
BITA Complaints Policy
BITA Conflicts of Interest Policy
BITA Index Correction and Recalculation Policy
BITA Index Methodology Policy
BITA Index Termination and Business Continuity Policy
BITA Input Data Policy
BITA Internal Control Framework
BITA Outsourcing Policy
BITA Record Keeping Audit Trail Policy
BITA Register of Conflicts of Interest
BITA Whistleblowing Policy

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Index Resources